
Sacrifice is a central theme in the Christian faith.
Abel: Faith is a sacrifice .
(Gen. 4:5-1a; Heb. 11:4)
Heb. 11 is a chapter about faith.
Faith and sacrifice are related concepts.
We give only to the degree of faith that we have.
Don’t give your loose change to God.
Faith is giving your best to God.
Abel may have been dead but his faith still speaks to this day.
Great talent without faith has no impact.
Abraham: Love is a sacrifice .
(Gen. 22:1-5, 11-14, 16-18)
God is a great teacher such that He never set a test to fail you.
He set the test to make you stronger.
When you think that you’ve achieved your dream, God always has something more.
There is no such thing as a final miracle that God will do for you.
Gen. 22:2 à First time “love” is mentioned in the Bible and it is linked to sacrifice.
There is no true love without sacrifice.
“Moriah” means vision.
Vision, like faith, also requires a sacrifice.
Without a sacrifice, you will never see your vision coming to pass.
This is also the first time where God’s covenant name is revealed and it has got to do with provision.
The word “provision” literally means I see.
God sees when the sacrifice is there.
David: Worship is a sacrifice .
(1 Chr. 21:22-24; 22:1, 5, 14; 29:1-4, 16)
David refused to take the land for free.
He understood he’s not just building a hose for a mortal king.
The house for the Lord must be significant.
He could use the gold and silver in the treasury to build God’s Temple but he gave it out of his own account.
1 talent of gold is half-a-million US dollar.
The church is not just for the members, it’s for God.
Our giving speaks of our affection for God.
Our giving speaks of our consecration to God.
A steward is a treasurer, manager, re-distributor.
Once you understand that you are a steward of God’s money, you will have no problem in giving to God.
Whatever you have is the blessing of God on loan to you.
Jesus Christ: Salvation is a sacrifice .
(Heb. 12:2)
At Calvary, Jesus got a vision and that gave Him the courage to endure the cross.



-posted by estelle

24 Things(23 Things to Always Remember And One Thing Never to Forget)

1. Your presence is a present to the world.
2. You're unique and one of a kind.
3. Your life can be what you want it to be.
4. Take the days just one at a time.
5. Count your blessings, not your troubles.
6. You'll make it through whatever comes along.
7. Within you are so many answers.
8. Understand, have courage, be strong.
9. Don't put limits on yourself.
10. So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
12. Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
14. The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
15. Don't take things too seriously.
16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
17. Remember that a little love goes a long way.
18. Remember that a lot ... goes forever.
19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
20. Life's treasures are people ... together.
21. Realize that it's never to late.
22. Do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.
23. Have health and hope and happiness.
23. Take the time to wish upon a star.
And don't ever forget ... For even a day ... How very special you are. ~ Author Unknown ~



Pastor Kong Hee

Luke 1:11-13

Zechariah and Elizabeth. Feeling frustrated over unproductiveness in life.

“Your prayer is heard”

Zechariah is a man of prayer.

If you feel barren and directionless, start praying.

Mk 11:24 à Your prayer is not complete until you can receive in your heart what you are believing for.

Zechariah couldn’t believe what he has been praying for has come to pass.

If you want to have the new wine, you need to have the new wine skin first.

4th dimension living. (Thinking à Vision and dreams à Faith à Confession)

You become what you think.

Through those 4 channels the prayer of faith becomes reality.

The angel has to shut Zachariah’s mouth because negative words can kill the miracles of God.

Eph. 3:20

Hag. 2:18-19

Our new building location out in 7 weeks.




Pastor Tan Ye Peng 09/01/10

Catching Hold Of A Vision That Enlarges You

1. God speaks to us through visions.

Hab. 2:1 à “to watch what He will see to me.”

With the wrong vision we will build wrong things, things that will fade away.

That is why we must get God’s vision and not our own vision.

Lot’s wife had a vision for her past.

A heart for the past destroys you.

2. Set yourself in the right place to receive the vision.

Hab. 2:1 à “I will”

God did not force Habakkuk, he stood on the watchtower himself.

A watchtower is a high ground.

Spiritually it speaks of prayer.

Jos. 1:7-8

All the time you must be speaking forth the vision.

How committed are you to the vision?

You should eat, think and sleep on the vision.

When we are impregnated with a vision, we will carry it until fruition.

Get into action.

3. God’s vision enlarges you.

Small vision never inspires.

A small man is made up of small thoughts.

You are small not because of your stature, you are small because of your vision.

Gen. 9:27

Always think about enlarging.

Ex. 34:23-24

1 Chr. 4:10

    When leaders are no longer willing to dream, it’s only a matter of time before followers are unwilling to follow.

    Gen. 31:10 à 4th dimension.

Things we need to do in 2010:

1. Enlarge your thinking.

Thinking means to perceive with the mind.

God knows that He cannot move until we move.

God get us excited to act by giving us a vision.

If we don’t have any fresh vision we will not move to the next level.

We are not great because we are able to conceive the vision. The vision is by the grace of God.

Allow God to stretch your imagination and your thinking.

2. We must enlarge ourselves personally.

In the bible we are often presented with contrasts.

To enlarge yourself is to say no to something and yes to something else.

In leadership: not laws but liberty.

Rules stifle creativity.

A leader must let people feel secured to work as a team.

Life off the glass ceiling and the people are able to flourish.

Serving: Not hierarchy but heart.

Matt. 20:25-28

You will get a promotion when your peers support you and love working with you.

Ability: Not self-centred but spirit-centred.

2 Cor. 12:19

    If you want to experience the power of God, you’ve got to sometimes put yourself in a very weak position.

    Discipline: Not legalism but love.

    People respond better to love than legalism.


    Creativity: Not fear but faith.

    In an environment of fear there is no creativity.

    2 Tim. 1:6-7

    Love: Not control but care.

    Work: Not duty but devotion.

    Duty will only take you where you need to go.

    Devotion leads you to go the extra mile.

    Ex. 17:12

    If you do beyond your immediate area of responsibility, you will find that promotion is not far away.

    Attitude: Not getting but giving.

    2 Cor. 9:6-7

    Lifestyle: Not explanation but example.

    Jn. 13:13-15

Result: Not bondage but breakthrough.



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