
'The Faith of A Child'

this is so touching.. so real..


title:{Lyrics of Once I have turned my face from thee}

Once I have turn my face from thee

Yet you sought and you cleanse me

Made me whole again.

Jesus my saviour, my beloved and friend.

Your praises, I'll bring, from my heart, I'll sing

Draw me O Draw me away

Messiah, today, to your presence to stay..

Oh Jesus now change me,

And mould me, that I can be

Ever more true to thee

2nd Stanza
You are the shepherd of my heart

You have brought me to your chamber

My master and king

You light up may darkness

And you gave me your word

That'll you never forsake me

Nor no ever will leave me

Wow, I guess many of us enjoyed Song of Solomon. Indeed, I got reminded that to love god...其实很简单...that our intimate relationship with god is the thing that ultimately matters.....

Hmmmm guess it'll be a good idea of we can all share the close and intimate moments that we had with god that changed..or define our lives....

I guess it will be super encouraging



The Place Of Agreement
Posted: 13 Apr 2009 09:00 AM PDT
Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. Acts 4:32

The Jerusalem church in Acts was very powerful because those in the church were of one heart and one soul in their vision for the kingdom. Jesus says, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (Matt. 18:19). The place of agreement is the place of power. Conversely, the place of disagreement is the place of powerlessness.

Every principle in the Word flows out of the character and nature of God. Although God is a triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit-He is always in total agreement with Himself. All three members of the Godhead are forever in unity. God wants the same in His relationship with you. If you delight yourself in Him, which means to be in agreement with His will for your life, He will give you the desires of your heart (Ps. 37:4).

In a church, God wants unity in your relationships with others. When there is one vision, there will never be division. There will be no confusion or weakness in the camp. Psalm 133:1-2 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments.” The anointing of God can flow mightily in a church where members dwell in unity. So great was the unity in the Jerusalem church that awesome power for miracles and financial provision was released (Acts 4:33-34).

In the days of Babel, “the whole earth had one language and one speech” (Gen. 11:1). Even God marvelled at the effort of the people in wanting to build a tower that reaches to the heavens. God says, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them” (11:6). As incredulous as the building of that tower may sound, God was fully convinced that the people would succeed. Make certain that you eliminate those things in your life that cause disunity-unforgiveness, anger, gossip, a critical spirit, being easily offended, unrealistic expectations, and hidden agendas. Remember that when there is unity, nothing is impossible!



the other day at altar call,
rouping and i gave each other a look.
we knew what each other was referring to,
without a single word.
cos' we're in the same team,
running the same dream. =)

the other week,
i watched my first broadway musical - cats.
the dance moves were so good,
and when the 30 or so of them danced to the same tune, in sync,
it was powerful!
it was beautiful!


and i think all of them enjoyed those moments tremendously!
individually, each was at his/her best,
together, they did up the best show possible!

i imagine them at their post-performance celebration,
laugh - at all the blunders they made through the rehearsals.
cry - at all the pain they endure together through the long, gruelling hours of practices.
because they have, together, put their hearts into the production,
they deserve the celebration.
no regrets, no looking back,
because individually, and together, they gave their best shot from their hearts!

each of us has our dreams... our different dreams...
as W497, we have a common dream too...
i want to have live through W497 giving my best, and from my heart.

i want to have my cell group members as friends forever,
of cos' we may not be cell group members forever,
but the friendship forged,
and the hardship gone through together in reaching our common dream
will serve as the glue that will always gel us together,
like the cats musical, in one, as one.

when you put your heart in,
you live with no regrets.

where we will be friends together forever.
till we are old.


our june fun month, possible days...
-wild wild wet day
-badminton day
-baking day
-jazz pub day
-ktv day
-tree-top walk day
-marina barrage day
-lan-gaming day
-youth revival meeting day
-prayer day
-bible study day

other suggestions?
let's have a blasting, fun June!

estelle =)



Dear W497,

1. Fruit-Tella Party
We are having a themed cg party this friday, 7.30pm at evelyn's place.

we know that you are in the midst of your exams,
so friday is a more convenient time for you, will only take a few hours of your friday night. =)
the purpose of this is also to gather all our friends who have joined us the past weeks!

we will be serving a variety of your favourite fruits(since the weather is so bad, and fruits are good for health!) and a range of fruity-candies!!! we will also play some fruits-related games! haha...
cg format: praise, testimony, word, offering.

dress-code: as colourful as possible!

sounds good? rsvp with your connect group coordinators asap! =P

p/s: the older ones, we can chill at that recommended pub at singapore flyer after that if you want!

2. Photos-collection
I'm in the midst of gathering cg photos(for a special, but secretive reason, heehee.)
Please help me look through what you have and email me those outstanding ones k?
by this wednesday,

3. All the Best for the Exams!
Our dear students, all the best for your exams!
we are praying for you! =)
strength of God be with you!
rem' you are a conqueror in Christ!

4. Mothers' Day!
This coming Sunday is Mothers' Day!
I'm praying for my mother and wanna invite her for service this weekend!
there's gonna be a special drama for our dearest mothers!
rouping's mum was at service last week, kelvin's mum was there this morning,
let your mum be blessed this mothers' day! =)

5. Baptism
Baptism service is coming! mid-may.
our Jovy is gonna be baptised!
anybody else?
p/s: she's now thinking hard for a baptism name! heehee.

6. Stay close to God!
have a blessed week ahead, stay close to God through prayers and bible reading daily! =)



N Profile

1. Estelle- 30 Oct
2. Evelyn- 11 July
3. Jason- 26 Feb
4. Kamy- 19 Nov
5. Kelvin- 14 Dec
6. Benjamin- 18 Sept
7. Calvin- 4 Nov
8. Christina- 26 May
9. Daniel- 1 May
10.Delicia- 23 July
11.En En- 10 Oct
12.Gwendelyn Monique- 9 Mar
13.Huiping- 24 July
14.Joel- 26 Oct
15.Jovy Sharelle- 5 June
16.Kaiting-25 Jan
17.Kelly-24 Feb
18.Kenneth- 29 June
19.Leibing- 22 July
20.Puayling- 2 Aug
21.Rouping- 3 July

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